
ABC's of Me

I love when simple things make me happy. My new $6 Anthro monogrammed mug is the perfect example. I'm trying to decide if I am going to drink out of it or use it as a pen holder in my new office that I am moving into this week!

I'm sharing some other things I love and some little facts about me today over at Marianne's beautiful blog, Style For Living. I am participating in her fun ABC's of Me series, so stop by! 


Image by me

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  1. I love this mug! I have one with an "e" and use it to store my Makeup brushes. Maybe I need a "g" for my office?????

  2. Happy to have found you at style for living. Loved your interview and was touched by what you said about your brother, you are a quality girl my friend!
    Now these mugs which I love. I went to a 45th bday luncheon for someone about a month ago and these very mugs were given out as favors with everyones cute is that!! What a great favor idea, huh?
    Anyway glad I found your newest follower and hope you will stop by me too to say hi!

  3. Loved featuring you on my blog today! We will have to meet in person one day, I just know we'd be great friends! I have been wanting one of those mugs. I may just have to go and get one today. xo

  4. What a beautiful picture. Love that mug - and like you, I can't figure out if I want to drink coffee out of it, use it as a make-up brush holder, or put one in our office to hold pens.

    Heading over to Marianne's blog...

  5. I keep putting those mugs in my shopping cart on line and then when I see the cost to ship them to Canada I always decide not to...I just need to bite the bullet! Off to read all about you!!

  6. I love those mugs, and yes, it is perfect for a pen holder!

  7. Congrats on your move out of the cubicle! Loved all of your office ideas, too. Forge ahead!

  8. Love the new mug! Super cute! Checking out your post now!

  9. Love the mug Tiffany! You should totally drink out of it! Hmmm, you can still take it to your new office though :)


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