
Fine Finishing {Segreto Finishes}

I will be honest in saying that I had not planned to do a post today. I wanted to give myself one night off from blogging. But I was on Pinterest on my iPhone and I ran across a gorgeous kitchen. The photo source was Segreto Finishes. I immediately pinned the photo, turned on my computer and went to their website. Segreto is a company based in Houston, TX that specializes in custom finishes for walls, ceilings, and cabinetry. I must say that I was mesmerized by the images on their site. The finishes are so warm and compliment the overall design of the spaces perfectly. Their portfolio is fabulous, so I highly encourage you to check their website and blog!

In other news, the lovely Michelle of Ten June is featuring her e-design of my bedroom! I absolutely love it! Be sure to check it out!

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  1. I would have been drawn in by that fantastic table too!!

  2. That cooper hood goes so well with the kitchen finishes!

    Your website is lovely.

  3. Wow, those are stunning spaces! I can't get over how much I love the copper hood.

  4. I love Segretos Finishes! they are in my neck of the woods. They have some serious swoon worthy photos!

  5. The kitchen and dining room are breathtaking!

  6. That kitchen is stunning!! I can see why you fell in love!

  7. Oh, my goodness... I need to pin all of these images! Stunning!

  8. The kitchen and master bath leave me speechless. So sophisticated.

  9. I'm completely in love with that dining room and bedroom! LOVE!


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