
Simple Weekend

Well hello!! How was your weekend? I hope it was perfect and restful. I worked most of the weekend, but did manage to carve out a few hours of relaxation...

The weather here was too perfect for fake air from the air conditioning, so I made it a point to keep the windows open. Someone enjoyed the fresh air just as much as I did...

Hair blowing in the wind and not a care in the world. Must be nice.

I curled up in my favorite Restoration Hardware throw with The Help. Yes, I know I'm light years late on reading it, but better late than never! I'm learning all about Skeeter right now...

I also did some blog-hopping and found a project to add to my DIY list...

It's a blinged-out Canon camera strap and I love it! I found it on this really cool blog and definitely plan to add a little style to my camera strap.

 Anyways, back to work for me. I hope you have a great week!
Images 1 & 2 by me

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  1. Glad you found a little time for a break! I have the book, and have still yet to read it!! LOL Love the camera strap. And yes, our weather has been perfect lately.

  2. Our windows were wide open all weekend, my pup was enjoying the fresh air from the couch.

  3. Your cat is gorgeous and I LOVE that camera strap. Glad you got a few moments of down time! xo

  4. That is one gorgeous and glamorous strap!!

  5. Wow, you have a wonderful blog!!!!
    Hugs Tanja

  6. Well I love your blinged out camera strap! I'd also love to know what model camera you're using, the pictures are great!

  7. I heart your camera strap!!! <3 Your blog is one of my favorites!!!

  8. Sounds like a great weekend- other than the work part! ;) that camera strap is fab u luss!!

  9. Gorgeous photos! And how amazing is the Kindle?! I finished The Help on mine a few weeks ago- loved it.

  10. Love that strap and the Help is the best. Enjoy!

  11. Great pics Tiff! I'm loving the camera strap! I've been wanting to get a new one. Maybe I'll give this DIY project a try (if I can find the time! lol)


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