
Chandy On The Side

I was browsing one of my favorite tumblr sites and this elegant image instantly caught my eye. Of course I love the soft green color. The framed fabric headboard is beautiful (a good DIY?) and the antique chandy on the side is quite lovely. I'd love to spend my weekend in this space, but my mom is here with me. Spending time with her is much better. 

I  want to thank you for all of your beautiful comments yesterday. It was honestly one of the best birthdays I have had in a very long time and your comments definitely contributed to that. Thank you so very much. 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. And happy 11/11/11!

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  1. Hi Tiffany, so happy to hear your birthday was awesome!! That picture is beautiful, the color palette is stunning and the chandy on the side is unexpected and beautiful!

  2. Happy 11/11/11 indeed! So nice to hear you had a great birthday ~ let the celebration continue into this weekend! :)

  3. So glad you had a great birthday! Let me know what you think of the salted caramel hot chocolate when you have one. :) Hope your weekend is a lovely one!

  4. Such a unique how elegant it makes the room look! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. So glad your birthday was a great one! love that room - so relaxing :)

  6. this is such a peaceful and beautiful bedroom! so glad your birthday was great!

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