
Casual Holiday Outfit: Tailored Plaid

The dress code for Christmas Day at my house is very casual. Dressing up in our Sunday best and won't be required and our elbows will be allowed on the table...

If I had it my way, this is what I would wear. This whole ensemble is a trillion dollars in my book, but the centerpiece isn't... Isn't that coat amazing? I fell in love with it the minute I saw it. The $177 price tag is quite fabulous... It's tailored, too...

I have got to have that coat...

What are you wearing on Christmas Day??
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  1. Love the coat...and the bag! Fabulous! We're pretty casual too! ;)

  2. That coat is a must have! Love the bag as well. We are a casual bunch too. Sweaters and jeans/leggings are are the norm.

  3. LOVE IT! This is how I really love to dress and when and how I am my most comfortable, love rich browns too. Great choices and that coat could be worn a million ways!

  4. woah woah woah...this outfit is amazing!! I think our virtual closets would match up really well...:)

    Our Christmas day is a bit dressier - once I told the hubs (then fiance) that he didn't need to bring dress pants for Christmas dinner....and then my dad wore dress pants, I wore a skirt, etc etc and he's never let me live it down. I GUESS we go a bit dressier on Christmas day :)

  5. Love that coat! What a fabulous statement piece! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I'll take one of each please! A perfect ensemble :)

  7. I pretty much love this entire outfit!

  8. I'm in love with that bag, in every single color I've seen it ;)


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