Hi there! How was your weekend? I hope it was a good one. I had quite a busy weekend. Half of it was spent preparing for this week, so I won't bore you with those details. The other half was spent doing an unplanned office install for a very dear friend that I work with. That is what I would like to share with you today...
I spent Saturday with a friend who was looking to decorate her office at work. She asked me to help her out. She collects antiques and has a gorgeous 1960's cottage-style home full of great stuff, so I thought the best place to shop would be her own home. Once we got to her house, she showed me her home office and well, she needed a little help... So I rolled up my sleeves and got to work!
Blogging wasn't on my mind, so I didn't have my good camera or take any before pics. But I will explain the "before" as I go through the pics.
Note that we did not buy one single thing! Everything you see are things that she already had! Most importantly, the majority of the items have a very special meaning to her.
This was probably my favorite part of the space. There was a built in desk in the nook with an old computer on it. We knocked out the desk and got rid of the computer. I put a side table in the space added a vintage lamp that she bought at a garage sale years ago. The chair was from another bedroom and the pictures on the wall are vintage photos and frames.
The space has some really beautiful built-ins. Before I styled them, they were full of papers, old CD's, stacks of books and even a few cassette tapes! I took everything down and started from scratch. I added a few lamps, a few of her favorite books and family photos and a small basket of office supplies. After I took this photo, I did a bit more styling and hid the lamp cord. :)
The desk was what really made me want to redecorate her office. The built-in desk was hidden under 500 stacks of papers and needed immediate attention! The chair was an old "Office Max" type chair that had to go.
We cleaned off the desk and dumped the old chair. I added a lamp and put one of her favorite paintings on the wall. The chair was from her living room and the blanket on the chair is an heirloom. Oh and she is accountant (like me), so that is why there is an extra monitor there. Two monitors make our work much easier. I styled the bookcases off to the side by adding baskets of office supplies, one her favorite paintings and some family photos.
The space initially didn't have a rug, so we brought in a rug from another room that pulled all of the different colors in the space together. The view from the office is of a beautiful golf course, which I find to be lovely.
My friend loved it and my heart was so full knowing that she was so happy. After we finished, we sat in her living room and had a light dinner of wine, goat cheese and crackers and stuffed olives. It was the perfect ending to the perfect day.
How was your weekend?? Do tell...
The winner of the Lo & Sons bags is Shannon of
Shannon Hearts! Congrats! I will send you an e-mail shortly!