Hi there! How was your weekend? I hope it was good and that all of the mothers out there had a great Mother's Day. Well, I only have one pic for you today, but it explains some of my weekend. Let me tell ya a little about what I did and a few things I learned. Can you relate to any of this?
1. The perfect fitting pencil skirt does exist.
Proper-fitting pencil skirts are hard for me to find. They are either too big in the waste and perfect on my thighs or too big around my thighs and perfect in the waist. Anyone else have that issue? Well, I found
this green pencil skirt on sale at J.Crew over the weekend. It fits perfect in all the right places. I almost screamed in the dressing room. I got home and styled it with
this necklace in tortoise.
2. Colored jeans are not for me.
I think I tried on about 10 different pairs of colored jeans this weekend ranging from skinny to skinny cropped to regular to boot cut. None of them looked good on me. Not one.single.pair. Oh well. My closet will be a little less colorful this summer.
3. Stella perfume by Tocca is heavenly.
I bought a travel-sized bottle of
Stella perfume by Tocca over the weekend. It smells like heaven. I've always assumed that heaven smells good...
4. I'm a compulsive list maker.
By Sunday afternoon, I had three to-do lists running in my house over the weekend. Some even have duplicate entries. Crazy... I need to get that together.
5. S'mores can be made in the microwave.
This is good news and bad news for me. The good news is that it's possible and that they are sinfully delicious. Just put a marshmallow and a piece of chocolate in between two graham crackers and pop it in the microwave for about 15-20 seconds. The bad news is that since it's so easy, I have had one each day since Friday afternoon. I need to get that together, too.
6. "Simple" always seems to be better.
Every Mother's Day, I usually hang out with my mom, make her a good meal and buy her a nice gift. I didn't get to see her this Mothers Day, so I sent her a nice handwritten note and a few lottery tickets (she loves playing the lottery). She was so happy. I think she thanked me 4 or 5 times over the weekend.
So that's a few highlights of my weekend. I also read some mags - from start to finish. I love when I have time for that. The "101 Designer Secrets" article in the May issue of House Beautiful is definitely worth checking out. And Real Simple magazines never disappoint right?
Tell me how you are!