>> Click on photos for the corresponding post <<
Ok maybe twelve pics... :)
For my last post of 2012 (gosh this year flew by), I thought I would go back through my posts and photos I took during the year and pick out some of my favorites. These photos make me smile, they remind me of what makes me the happy and they remind me of things I didn't know, really, really appreciate or love just a year ago. Things like...
Photography. I learned so many new things about it this year and I know I won't put my camera down for as long as I live. Photography truly inspires me to look at things, simple things, in a totally new way.
New friends- like Marianne, Melissa, Erica, Anna and Michelle- lovely bloggers that I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time this year. Plus the virtual friends I have met through blogging who are really some of the most supportive people I know.
Food. I love food. Can you tell?? I've always loved it, but our relationship went to a whole new level this year. I spent lots of time researching recipes and reading lots of cookbooks. That may be strange to some, but I loved every minute of it.
Charleston, South Carolina. I went there for the first time this year and I'm going back there with my entire family this summer and probably every summer after that. It's beautiful and the food is phenomenal - the recipe for the perfect vacation.
Blogging. I knew blogging would be fun when I wrote my first post over two years ago. But this year I feel like it took me to new heights. I have learned things, like all of the above (and how to make a 60 second chocolate cake), that I know I would know ZERO about if it weren't for blogging. I wouldn't have people like you that stop by, support me, and inspire me to write, take photos and fire up my stove or oven each week. Thank you...
I can't wait to see what's in store for 2013. I'm quite excited about it and look forward to sharing more happy moments with you.
Cheers. Happy New Year my friends...