

Happy Friday my friends... I hope your week was wonderful! My week was good one. It was just one of those weeks where I had a good balance of work and downtime. Work was busy, but I made it to bed early each night and had lots of laughs with friends at lunches and dinners that I had throughout the week. Those things make the workweek so much easier to get through. This weekend I plan to just chill out, take advantage of my new Netflix subscription (I'm SO late on that one I know...), make something in the kitchen and take a nap - or as my friend recently put it, "take a horizontal life pause." Love that. Enjoy the links and have a great weekend!

For the DIY'ers and bar cart lovers...

These incredibly comfortable-looking things belong on my feet...

Five ways to beat the beat the summer heat. Tip #2 is genius...

This is also a genius idea that looks so very good...

If I lived in NYC, it would be lovely if my apartment looked something like this...

And if I had a little home near the beach, I'd want it to look something like this...

Dustin Hoffman beautifully explains something that most, if not all women have experienced at some point during their lives...

16 little ways to be happier...

I'm so glad many of you like this as much as I did...

In case you missed my giveaway this week - win a $100 gift certificate to Minted!

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  1. the loveliest of links! thank you!

  2. I do love the green and white ...... goes well with my black and white :-) Isn't that always good when your week is a balance of both work and downtime. Off to check out your always excellent links. Have a fantastic weekend Tiffany!

  3. Such a fresh photo!
    Some of your links are so nice to visit :)

  4. Tiffany, your photos are so fantastic! Can't wait to check out these links.
    Happy weekend! x

  5. Beautiful. Loving green and white, so peaceful and serene.

  6. Beautiful palette..always enjoy your links too, have a great Sunday!

  7. Those flats look incredibly comfortable! Hope you had a great weekend!!


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