

$200 Giveaway | via Savor Home
How was the weekend?? I spent a LOT of it in bed under the covers dosing off/working/watching TV and just keeping warm. It was pure downtime and it was kinnnnnnd of amazing... I definitely have a case of the Mondays. If you are feeling the same, then I have something for you that just might cheer you up!!

The holidays are in full force in my world. I've planned our Thanksgiving meal (it's gonna be sooo good), I've started looking through my Christmas decorations to see what needs to be added or taken away, and I've started making my to-do list for the Christmas holidays. So excited! One of the things on my to-do list is to order holiday cards and order artwork to hang in my new bedroom and home office. One place I can get both of those things at I always order my holiday cards from them because they have so many beautiful and personable options. More importantly - they are great quality! The foil-pressed designs have always been my favorite. The real foil (that comes in silver, gold, and now - rose gold!) is so elegant and classy - and currently on sale! And speaking of their foil-pressed designs, have you seen their new foil-pressed art??? LOVE! I particularly love the print of this map (obviously) and the print of this quote (so, so true). Any of the artwork would make great gifts for others - and/or for yourself! Scroll down to see how you could win $200 towards your purchase of these items or anything else on!!

$200 Giveaway | via Savor Home
$200 Giveaway | via Savor Home
$200 Giveaway | via Savor Home
$200 Giveaway | via Savor Home
$200 Giveaway | via Savor Home

To win the $200 credit to use on, all you have to do is answer the simple - but fun - question in the Rafflecopter below between now and Friday, November 21st at midnight! I can't wait to read your answers! The winner will be announced below on Monday, November 24th. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post was sponsored by Minted. All opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting Savor Home!

Images by me
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  1. These are adorable! I always love their product!!
    xo. Leslie
    Segreto Finishes

  2. SO fun! Family time! Being together as a family, is my favorite part about the holidays! Thanks for the opportunity!

    seasidesmitten at

  3. The excitement I see in the eyes of our 4 year old son!

  4. Great - giveaway, Tiffany! Thanks for hosting :)


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