

{In my bag to the beach... Bag, hat, swimsuit}

Dang! Is it June already?? Time is flying by... I'm starting the month off with an empty laundry basket, a re-organized closet from a good purging session, a rested body and mind from a Sunday afternoon nap (during a crazy thunderstorm - the best), a semi-packed bag for the beach, and an eye free of a torn contact lens that only took me 12 hours to find (don't ask). All I know is that prayer works! Anyway, here are some favorite things from my last weekend of May. I hope you have a great first week of June!

{Organic strawberries that I can't seem to get enough of lately...}

{A friend suggested that I make this and I'm so glad she did. I'll share more later in the week! }

{The most beautifully written "just because" letter from a dear friend - best snail mail ever. }

{An ombré floppy hat for the beach...}

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  1. Hooray for late May! And a lazy, yet productive weekend! Finally, as I sit at this keyboard, aren't hand-written notes the very best?!! xo Leslie

  2. Happy June :)

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