

{Summer's best tomatoes that I sliced up, seasoned with sea salt & freshly ground black pepper, and put between two slices lightly toasted bread that were laced with a thin layer of mayo. There is nothing better than a southern summer tomato sandwich. Nothing. }

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? I cancelled a few appointments I had to just spend the weekend doing only the things I love doing. That's it. I needed that kind of weekend. On Saturday morning, I went to my local farmers market to snap a few photos (something I really love doing) and shopping for my weekend meals. I went to the movies (LOVE going to the movies) and saw Trainwreck. Maybe I need a better sense of humor, but I thought it was just that - a trainwreck. Thoughts? After eating all of the fresh and healthy food from the farmer's market, I ended the weekend by eating a Holman & Finch burger at the Braves game on Sunday afternoon. I swear that's one of the best burgers in town. Spending time with good friends at the game and eating the freshest burger made for the perfect ending to a great weekend. I hope your week gets off to a good start!

{I wanted to eat that whole basket of bread. Its smell was completely intoxicating. I'm still thinking about it... }

{My "candy" for the week. I've been popping these in my mouth like candy. They are so sweet and juicy! Oh and that would be hydroponic butter lettuce in the background that I used for a salad. The freshest and bestest...}

{Wouldn't those make peppers one heck of a fajita?? Fajitas were the first thing that came to mind when I saw them... }

{I've always loved peaches, but this summer my love for them is at an all-time high! I eat them with breakfast, put them in salads for my lunch, and mix them in my yogurt for a snack. Yesterday, I made the MOST insanely good dessert with these peaches from the farmer's market - and it only took me about 5 minutes to make it! Check back later this week for the recipe! }

Images by me
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  1. Such fresh, lovely images!! Now I need a southern summer tomato sandwich!! xo Leslie

  2. I love all the vegetables! My first thought is grilled bell peppers!

  3. Sounds like a perfect weekend - I had a similar one! I liked Trainwreck but definitely didn't love it. And I agree about toasted tomato sandwiches, they're perfect. I made gazpacho over the weekend with my tomatoes from the market and blogged the recipe the other day actually - you should give it a try if you have some left over!


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