

I couldn't just pick one photo for today's post because all of those are just so precious to me! Obviously I thought they were appropriate for Mother's Day - which to me is a celebration of THE hardest job in the world. It's a job my mom was stellar at and a job I hope to be stellar at one day, too... Do you have plans for the day? My mom and I are getting together another weekend, but she certainly won't be far from my heart and mind!! Whatever you do, I hope you have a great weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all of the amazing, multi-tasking, strong, and giving mothers out there! 

There has been a One Room Challenge going in blogland and the reveal was this week. I absolutely loved this makeover and this makeover... So good. 

A chic and slightly modern, yet warm Long Island home. I could live there...

My summer wishlist. I'll be buying a lottery ticket this weekend...

10 ways to stay sane on the Internet. #10 might be my favorite... 

If you love Ina Garten (like I do), then you might enjoy this...

The sweetest surprise! Just wait for it...

And hard work pays off...

Coconut + chocolate together...

*All of the photos were found via Pinterest. Let me know if you know the source!!
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  1. Thanks for the link love lady! Have a fabulous weekend! xoxo

  2. LOVE your summer wish list and the advice on staying sane on the internet! Happy Weekend and enjoy your time with your mom :)

  3. I don't comment very much, but I always read your posts. I love your images, your curating, and your honesty. Thank you so much for making this corner of the Internet brighter, happier, and prettier.

    1. You are so sweet! Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading!

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